Thursday, June 20, 2013

Utility Belts for the Zombie Apocalypse

If the dreaded scenario of zombie apocalypse or any other kind of mind blowing crisis happens tomorrow, you might find yourself making a list of things to carry on your person at all times.  Finding a weapon and ammunition is obvious, but something as simple as a well-planned utility belt could make all the difference. I'm not suggesting a utility belt like Batman's, complete with grappling hook and flamethrower. Alas, not everyone can be an eccentric billionaire.

While playing the new Tombraider on Xbox 360, I found myself admiring how Lara Croft carried everything she needed on her belt. Just in case most male players were too busy admiring something else, I feel the need to share what every post-apocalyptic adventurer will need. This blog reminds me of when I used to blog for a retail website. Despite what it may seem, I'm not trying to sell the end of the world. Let's make that clear before we continue. Now, let's go over what you will need on your utility belt for the apocalypse.

Clip-on waterproof LED flashlight. You wouldn't want to find yourself without a flashlight, ever. I would even recommend carrying two since this is such a light weight item. I personally like the ones with carabiner hooks attached. When you've got zombies pulling on you, you want your utilities to stay firmly attached. There are multi-purpose carabiner hooks that come with a flash light, compass and a knife built into the steel, but I would need to assess the quality before recommending it.

Belt pouches. These little pouches are perfect for carrying bullets, medicine or various other necessities. You can choose to go with military or medieval. That part is up to your personal style.

Flask. You should have tons of water stocked up in your safehouse, but when you get left behind by other survivors and you have five minutes before zombies break through the glass doors and swarm you, you'll be glad you have that last drink. It could also be your only source of an anesthetic when your friends are chopping off your arm to save you from a zombie bite.

Rope. With rope you can pull a friend to safety, set traps for zombies or trace your path in a dark building. You might even have to detain hysterical or violent humans. In the picture, notice how Lara Croft bundles her rope up neatly against her thigh.

Swiss Army Knife. If you get separated from your group or your supplies, you will always have this tool to help you hunt, skin animals, open canned and bottled goods or escape from other human beings.

Magnifying glass
If you don't wear glasses, you'll be glad you have this when you need to get a fire going. You can even opt for a cool magnifying glass necklace, a la Evil Dead. As they're in style right now, they're pretty easy to find. When your flashlights finally die and you can't find any functional batteries, you will have to start lighting your own torches.

Finally, it would be great to have a solar radio to hear emergency broadcasts or find other survivors and group up with them. However, as we learned from Walking Dead, contact with other bands of survivors can get your people killed. In a world of violence and anarchy, keeping your social network small can be a good strategy. Radios and walkie talkies might also compromise your position if they make noise while you are hiding from the undead. If you're going to use them, use them wisely.

Survival Tip of the Day:
"Keep your hair short." -- Lee Everett, The Walking Dead, A Telltale Game Series. With short hair, it's easier to slip away from a zombie's lunge.

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